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A trip down memory lane

Pearls, the perfect accessory to every 5 year olds school uniform!Mum and I seem to be tidy-crazy at the moment. Every day we're cleaning something. Yesterday it was an old cupboard and of course it all stopped when we came across the family photo albums. The tears were streaming down our faces with laughter at some of the hilarious outfits or poses. I realised that I really haven't changed all that much (apart from the hair of course). I always seemed to be wearing red shoes and bangles or beads or holding a dolly or bag! It's also uncanny how alike my little nephew I am and my sister is like a dark haired version of her eldest son. My older sister and I are very different and have always fought (although we get on better these days), so I always laugh when I see photos of us as kids cuddling each other or looking like 'sisters'!
Oversized, straw handbag, how S/S '09!My sister looking sensible and me looking cheekySensible sis and cheeky me-note the theme here?Me with bangles almost bigger than me and my fluffy pink slippers!I can remember the 'big outing' when we used to go and get new school shoes. The three of us would get measured and then the lady brought out the boxes of shoes for us to choose from. It was a joke every year that my pile was always double the size of both of my sisters put together-I always had a massive choice. I can vividly remember pining after these shiny, wine t-bar shoes! I just adored them.
My favourite school shoesThis picture is from the annual, local street fair. There are huge rides and stalls nowadays. However the dressed-up monkeys my sister and I are holding are real. My Mum said the guy just threw them at passers by and took a photo and of course you felt obliged to buy the pic, cos it looked so cute. I'm sure they would be arrested for doing this today! Although I just watched a TV programme about these Americans who keep monkeys as pets and bring them up as their children? It was cute, nutty, hilarious and scary all at the same time. I can't believe it's legal to adopt a monkey in the US, definitely a no-go in the UK.
Yes, those monkeys are real!

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