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A Dose Of Spanish

Today I received confirmation of Universidad de Murcia. I now have an ID number which I've used to confirm the Orientation Day on the 7th September, and also for my accomodation application form. It's all getting real now!
I'm nervous, excited, scared... but really excited to start a new chapter of my life.

Hopefully, over the next week or so, I'll have confirmation of an apartment, and then I actually know where I'll be living! Me, Mum & Dad are going to fly over together in the first week of September to have a look around, move my one(!!!) suitcase full of clothes, memories, photos etc. into my apartment. Yes, I'll be taking only one suitcase to Spain which will somehow have ten months worth of my life in it! I'll no doubt do a blog on what to take on a ten month excursion! I go over 20 kilos for a week holiday usually so I have no idea how I'm going to fit ten months worth in 20 kilos!

I'll keep you updated as time goes on!

faye xoxo

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