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PERSONAL | Women get Menopause...Men get Andropause

Today I'm going to talk about totally different than travel or food, namely about menopause and the "transition". What is it and what are its characteristics? At what age can you get it and what happens with your hormones?

How does it start?

If I googling oninternet and type the word menopause then there are all kinds of stories of women but not really the meaning of MENOPAUSE and what the symptoms are. Menopause is the time in a woman's life when the menstrual pattern changes including the first menstruation-free years where you are still having menopausal symptoms. The transition may take 7 to 10 years. Menopause is only the last menstrual period or rather the menstrual cycle which means that you are infertile. So your body or rather alter the hormones and ova estrogen and progesterone to make more. Psychologically it is very difficult to handle.
When menopause on the naturally way begins, it usually happens around the age of 51. But some women the menopause can started begin around 40 year. Most scientists assume that the (natural) early menopause is determined by the genes.

What are the symptoms?

For me it started with excessive sweating, restless sleep, incredible appetite for more food (but I had always been), mood swings (crabby, anxious and irritable), one moment hot and other time cold feelings, etc. etc., weight gain, I began to have chest pain, muscle and joint pains, etc. etc. too much to list it !! Unfortunately you can't help it and not everybody understand your environment but most people (including men) know what comprises the "transition" and take this into account. That is why I always prepare for the hot flashes and  always have extra clothing such as a singlet, t-shirt short-sleeved t-shirt long-sleeved jacket and sit in the bag. But most importantly, I have deodorant and Ymea with me.

How do I handle this?

If I remember correctly, I already had menopause around my 45th year, and then I became slowly in transition. It was a very difficult period and you have several symptoms that you experience every day. There's a lot happening with your body but also your mental health so you get caught up with your own self. The doctor gave me the advice to do something about it such as taking preparations like Ymea. This preparation will support you through the "transition" to reduce the symptoms.

A tip to this phenomena is to use as little as possible, hot beverages or carbonated drinks, layered clothing so that you attract or please take off your jacket at each hot flash. Eat as little as possible "to" spicy foods and too much stress can all lead to hot flashes. I experienced a time it was the middle of winter but I was suffering from hot flashes and ran into a shirt around. Can you imagine? Anyway .... when I had a lot of stress ... drank a lot of coffee and ate TO SEASONED food every night. So 1 and 1 = 2


I always make sure that I am showered with a nurturing showergel so that my skin looked after the whole day. I also use many products as possible with citrus in it because they feel very fresh and smells good. Take for example deodorant or body mist on citrus base.

In addition, I make sure that I do every day
  • fresh fruits and vegetables eat or drink
  • Adequate fiber in the form of pasta and rice
  • like iron supply by fish, red meat, eggs, etc. to eat
  • calcium by eating and drinking 2 to 4 servings of dairy products and calcium-rich foods a day like dairy products, sardines and canned salmon, broccoli and legumes. A good intake of calcium for women aged 51 years and older is 1,200 milligrams per day.

Do Men also have menopause?

Yep, even men got a kind of menopause but the name is Andropause. Men thinks that the don't have it and deny it.
The testosterone levels decreased gradually as they age. This is a normal process. About 12% of men between 40 and 70 years receive complaints by a hormone deficiency.

Many complaints in the Andropause are:
  • Complaints of declining health during aging
  • Decrease in libido or lust
  • erection Problems
  • Reduced muscle strength, more belly fat
  • Decreased energy, apathy and less initiative
  • Reduced general wellbeing
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Sleep disorders
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis or osteoporosis

So for men it's heavy storm because it is less well known than women! They get into depression and get there but not without realizing that they are in a andropause. If they do not seek help or they ruin a lot of things for themselves and will never come out.

At the end

Because the transition already happened for my 50th happened, I will not have children anymore and that is mentally seen quite a disappointment but I can deal with it by seeing it as a fact. The important thing is to enjoy life while you are still on this earth. To compensation I do other fun things that makes me happy and that I have become a strong woman. Stand up for myself and especially if you've always lived independently. Take care of myself: eat three times a day, give your skin a good skin- and dentalcare, always make sure that you look good, walk a lot in the air (not too much in front of the television) and keep laughing every day because of laughter you will be happy again ! So you will stimulates other hormones again !!

So far my story


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