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Blogging On The Go

When it comes to technology from my phones, tablet, laptops and music players, I must confess that I have always been an Apple girl. For running my blog I have always found my MacBook perfect for everything blogging-related from editing and uploading my photos to typing up and publishing my posts. And for when I am on the go my iPad is always handy to pop in my handbag to stay up to date with my Bloglovin' feed and for keeping on top of my emails. But to have the flexibility of both a laptop and a tablet to suit every situation and technological need is an exciting prospect which is why I was really keen to try out the new Aspire Switch 10 which is a 2 in 1 tablet and laptop that is incredibly versatile.

The Acer Aspire Switch 10* is compact and ridiculously light so can easily be popped in your bag making blogging, surfing the net or keeping yourself entertained on a long journey so simple. I was a little nervous that the small size might compromise the quality of the display but in fact I was really impressed with how clear and bright the resolution was and made everything look so crisp and engaging, I almost forgot I wasn't using a full sized laptop. The really beauty of this product which sets in apart from your average laptop or tablet is the four modes it can be used; as a regular laptop, detached and used solely as a touchscreen tablet, pivoted to share or flipped into a tent shape to watch your favourites on Netflix or catch up on YouTube. I have found myself using the tablet on its own a lot recently to simply read blogs and scroll my twitter feed whilst keeping an eye on my incoming emails. The home screen can be customised to suit you personally down to every last details - the background colour or picture can be changed and you can mixed up all the icons so you have all your favourites all within clickable distance of each other. The home screen can even be linked up to all your social media platforms and email accounts so you get a handy 'ping' and notification with every new tweet and email received. In terms of blogging, once I had gotten use to the much smaller keyboard size and using Windows again since leaving school, I found it very quick and easy to use and love the fact I can just take this laptop anywhere with me meaning blogging on the move, whilst on holiday or travelling around, is a real possibility. The Acer Aspire Switch 10 has a good storage and memory facility as well so you can enjoy downloading the latest box set on Netflix or that must-read on the Kindle without worrying about running out of space. So a perfect option for snuggling down and watching those Christmas movies on whilst the family are watching the Queen's speech perhaps!

What do you think of these handy 2 in 1 laptops and tablets?

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