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TonyMoly Crystal Stick Shadows.

Hello dollies!

A while ago I started using eyeshadow sticks instead of eyeliner to highlight my aegyo sal area. I was a big fan of white eyeliner to give a bright and cute look to my eyes but, since I bought my first stick from TonyMoly I fell for it and they have been my faves at the moment. They are a must on my everyday makeup.

So far I own two of them, the one I bought and one that was a Christmas gift from my dad. I pretty much switch them depending on the look I want or the color that goes better with the makeup or clothes I wear. What I like the most about them is that they give a subtle glow to your eyes, you can use them as a regular eyeshadow and the application is super easy and clean. They have a round tip and the "texture" feels a little sticky but, not in a bad way.

The first one is the TonyMoly Crystal Stick Shadow #1 "Snow White" and it's a really pretty pearl-ish color. It looks very subtle once you apply it and it gives that cute glow to my eyes.

The second one is the TonyMoly Crystal Stick Shadow #3 "Champagne Pink" and more than pink I think it's a coral-ish peach color with a slight gold tone to it. As the Snow White one, it gives a cute glow to my eyes but in a warmer way. It looks more natural.

I've been loving these two so much that, I'm definitely thinking about buying more from this collection! hehe.
Here are all of the colors thos collection has.

I've become a TonyMoly junkie lately~~~~~  

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