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Jesse Ventura to run for president on Libertarian ticket

Ned Baily
   Jesse Ventura gave indications that he may run as a Libertarian candidate for the presidency. Jesse Ventura basically deserves to be included with the crazies of this political wing that have few following and is basicallyy a party to protect the interests of the wealthy why claiming they are progressive and basically like gays and so forth. Ventura hinted that he will be given the nomination of the Libertarian party because other candidates could never get  the airtime and publicity he can generate through his trademarking and political statue he has built up with his mouth.
Ventura also went on to praise Donald Trump again saying that he would not be open up to bribery because he has his own money that he used in the past likely to bribe power and wealth and key governmental institutions for himself. Jesse Ventura failed to notice this and a guy like Donald Tump is actually wry open up to bribery but Jesse Ventura has fallen down to many times in his career as a phony fighting wrestler to realize this. Jesse Ventura wants to do the world of politics a fair he should do o e of three things. A) Shut up and not a.ways include oneself to these television panels. B) get his facts straight and not just say what comes up right away in the wireless damaged brain of his through years of alcohol and body slams, and C) just run for the presidency of Mexico where he has been residing for the last decade in order to avoid taxes on his media incomes.

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