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Hodge Twins bash Spike Lee for racial identity obsessions, migrant, videos, and calling Columbus a terrorist

  Guys Perkowski
    Spike lee is an awful director that gets praised by the liberal press because he is black and makes racial agitation-type movies of all kinds and men like Spike and their racial victim hood obsession and stupidity is why Jussie Smollett's bamboozle fake hate crimes occur and are an epidemic all across the nation. The Hodge Twins are YouTube heroes and commentators often taking ion the insane left in America and their distortion and lies and the Hodges spike to great lengths of a recent Spike Lee video clip on migrants and how misinforming it is and deceiving making them all sound like families  and benevolent people.
The Hodges showed video of MS 13 gang members at the border and the actual violence and bottles and bricks thrown at agents and police by many of these loco migrants form Central America as the worse of the worse are making their trek to America and if anyone like Spike Lee says this isn't the case then they are lying completely as hacks for the criminal class. Spike Lee basically is a criminal film director long portraying thug and violent characters as accepted and honorable people on the silver screen and his recent assertions that Christopher Columbus was a terrorist should also include the idea that Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela were terrorists as well as after all King's death adn time period included many terrorist acts of burning cities which he hardly admonished and in fact many can say caused. Spike Lee has a frog face and is a sorry son of  a bitch deserving of a pie in his face instead of an academy award and this black geek the mainstream media and racial identity spenders have pushed far too much  more than actual talent of which this clown has none.
Nelson Mandela also was a terrorist if Spike Lee's assertion that the world mot famous explorer was a terrorist and basically anyone in human history with a white skin a Spike Lee would be called a terrorist, the Hodge twins mentioned many of Spike's comments in the past and his videos concerned with the treatment of Hondurans when there is mass poverty in America and the Hodge Twins wondered why Spike Lee doesn't day shit about the Appalachians and poor whites living homeless and instead wishes to see more prior an homeless people come to America and soak up welfare benefits as the expense of the working poor citizen in America.

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