But wait--don't leave. I'm not really here to whine and groan. I'm here to
*cue happy dance-a-ma-jig music or something*
*just don't ask me to dance*
You see, my dear and oh-so-wonderful friends, I HAVE AN AGENT!
After 6 weeks of intermittent querying, I have found the PERFECT, MOST FABULOUS, and SUPER ADORABLE person who loves my book Hidden just as much as I love it. And I'm so thrilled, my brain is only partially functioning. (Really. I'm still in a daze. Or it's possibly the cough medicine messing up my noggin.)
Which is why I'll stop here for now and continue my story on my next post. *dundundun*
(Nothing like a cliffhanger to spoil the day ruin your mood make you come back for more.)
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