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NEWS!! No, The Baby's NOT Here Yet... (Part 1)

I'm writing this with my brain only partially functioning. It is late at the moment, true (almost midnight, my time). And I've had this nasty cold and cough-turning-into-asthma combo for a month now. Don't even get me started on my pregnancy woes. I have less than 2 months left--which means, an even bigger belly, grossly swollen hands and feet, and aches and pains all you mothers out there are all too familiar with.

But wait--don't leave. I'm not really here to whine and groan. I'm here to


*cue happy dance-a-ma-jig music or something*

*just don't ask me to dance*

You see, my dear and oh-so-wonderful friends, I HAVE AN AGENT!

After 6 weeks of intermittent querying, I have found the PERFECT, MOST FABULOUS, and SUPER ADORABLE person who loves my book Hidden just as much as I love it. And I'm so thrilled, my brain is only partially functioning. (Really. I'm still in a daze. Or it's possibly the cough medicine messing up my noggin.)

Which is why I'll stop here for now and continue my story on my next post. *dundundun*

(Nothing like a cliffhanger to spoil the day ruin your mood make you come back for more.)

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