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Following a tree …


Before I begin can I just say a big ‘thank you’ for all your kind birthday wishes last week.  I will be posting about my birthday treat at the coast a little later.

This year I am joining in with Lucy at Loose and Leafy  choosing a tree to follow throughout the year, recording the changes it goes through each season and photographing it, and its surroundings, every month.  My chosen tree is a SYCAMORE.

sycamore - laughton lane - follow a tree

Here it is – isn’t it a beauty.  I have photographed this tree many times over the years because it is so prominent and our sheep used to graze the field behind it and raise their lambs there, so I saw it practically every day.

sycamore- laughton lane (follow a tree)

Sycamores are mostly self-seeded – they were introduced in medieval times and are not native so are not inhabited by many insects – there are only fifteen types found on a Sycamore compared to two hundred and eighty four on an Oak.

sycamore - laughton lane - follow a tree

Ivy grows up and through it and in the summer Wild Hops, at its base it a huge Holly bush.

sycamore - laughton lane - follow a tree

In the summer the tree drapes itself over the road giving a wonderful tunnel-like view.

sycamore - laughton lane - follow a tree

This is what it looked like last summer.

sycamore - laughton lane - october 2013 - follow a tree

The trunk of the tree is very scaly but the limbs are smooth.

sycamore - laughton lane - follow a tree

I am looking forward to sharing more in-depth posts about my chosen tree.  ‘Til next time – why not follow a tree of your own – a perfect way of getting closer to Nature.

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