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The Hot Pants Zone, Part 5 - TEOTWAWKI!!

Attention Dear Readers!  As some of you may know, some people have predicted that The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) on Sept. 23, 2017.  It has something to do with a constellation arrangement or something.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard predictions like this before also.  But you never know.  Maybe this time is teh Big One?!??   But I say forget about the stars.  Let's consult the groovy fashions of the 70s to see if there is a sign!  In other words, we are entering, once again, The Hot Pants Zone..............

OMG!  It's a Plaid, Plaid World meets Hots Pants Kicky!!  Does that make this pic "It's a Plaid, Kicky World?!?"  Categories are colliding!  Worlds are colliding. Surely this is a sign!!  The Apocalypse is upon us!!  And Jill seems super excited regardless!!

Oh no!  Now instead of plaid, we have gingham!!  Worlds are colliding again!!  However, Kathy and Colleen seemed unconcerned. (1)  Perhaps that is the best attitude to take!!

70s footwear and Hot Pants!  Throw in the glasses (to protect one's eyes from the nuclear fallout, no doubt!) and we still have worlds colliding!!

Surely this isn't happening!  Who knew that Hot Pants would be a portent of TEOTWAWKI!!  Can this madness continue????
 It can and it does!!  Now we have have Hot Pants and a Tunic.  All sorts of categories are colliding!

As we can see here!!  Forget about the "minor revolution." (2)  We have a full bore existential crisis on our hands here folks!!  Minis, Maxis, Giant Ties, and Hot Pants, oh my!!  And Karen is playing ping pong (excuse me, ahem, I should say Table Tennis, please no nasty comments form all you Table Tennis fans.)

And we have shoelaces on shirts no less!!  Surely this is the sign of TEOTWAWKI.!!  Run to the hills, Take cover!! Worlds are Colliding!!


(1)  Yes, there is a giant hand on the right side.  Whose is it??  Well that will have to wait for another post (assuming the world still exists of course!)

(2) What the heck is a "minor" revolution??

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