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Big Brown Eyes

I'm not a fan of brown eyes. Not that I have a preference for eye color but in general I find brown eyes to be a bit boring because I have brown eyes too. I do try to keep the heads I paint varied and those who have brown eyes look good with them. This time around I think the brown looks good but I think the previous big heads looked a bit more alluring to me because of the more interesting eye color.

This is the last big painted eye head I have for now. I will get a painted eye big Obitsu for myself one day but it'll be a while yet. Hopefully ppl will want to get some big 'Bitsus painted but most ppl like the eyeball heads. Considering that you can get several painted eye heads with different expressions, I hope painted eye heads become more popular. You can't change the eye color easily, but you can change the expression!

EDIT: Lol, I noticed that in the last three weeks I've painted a lot of brown eyes due to the JS contest. I really like how Chie came out so I guess I don't find brown eyes that boring.

EDIT2: Ok, so my bf was a little sad when he read this because he has brown eyes too. I think brown eyes are fine in real ppl, I just mean that in an illustration/doll there are so many choices that brown (which is the most common color in humans) is kinda boring is all. Ok bf? Pat pats on head.

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